Blogging isn't just good for your business, it's also good for the blogger. But it can feel like hard work. However, frame it differently, and blogging can feel less of a millstone around your neck and more of a milestone in your personal development. Read more
For universities, attracting the right type of students in the right numbers is an ongoing headache. Here we look at how a little behavioural science can help institutions lead students from interested to engaged to enrolled. And how the words you use can help you do it. Read more
Channel 4 News. I hardly ever watch it. But the other evening, my inability to find the remote led to a few minutes’ viewing of post-election coverage in the US. It told me a few things – but more through its style than its content. Read more
Once upon a time, good communication was simple. You wanted an engaging web page, so you wrote as interestingly and concisely as possible what you wanted your reader to know. Then along came Google... Read more
Me: “What’s your definition of fragile?”
Removal man: “If you drop it on the floor, it breaks.”
Brilliant. An answer so plain, I felt I’d asked a stupid question... Read more
Have you ever wondered why we gave ‘content marketing’ that name? Content is stuff you use to fill a container. So ‘content marketing’ suggests using words and pictures as a commodity – shoving anything you can find or think of into a pre-existing vessel. Read more
I recently received a letter from Paul Willis, MD of Volkswagen UK. He was writing to tell me my car was fitted with a 'defeat device'. Read more
If there’s one thing us writers can’t stop harping on about, it’s the importance of thinking about your reader – of writing for them, not yourself. It’s a common theme on this blog, and in most advice on writing. Read more
Imagine a world where a reader picks up a brochure or visits a website and remarks how beautifully the ideas, design and words complement each other… Okay, I’m dreaming. But this opinion-forming process does actually take place in the reader’s subconscious. All the best communications have something about their look and their headlines that just... Read more
We enjoyed this recent ‘top 10′ of controversial ads Read more